Short Courses on Basic Woodworking organized by Forest Research Institute Malaysa (FRIM) Nov 2015 – Second batch

Update 23/11/2015

A successful woodworking course event.

Short Course : Furniture Making For Beginners by FRIM
Date : 21th – 22nd November 2015

Huge thanks to FRIM especially the Wood Machining & Prototyping Workshop led by En. Zairul and his team ( En. Sufian, Aschem & Pn. Nor Izwarina) for the commitment, support and effort to organize the second batch woodworking course.

A special thanks is extended to all of you who came and joined the course yesterday. Without your great support, this course will not be held successfully.

Last but not least, looking forward to see you at our next basic woodoworking course scheduled on 5th – 6th December 2015 by FITEC, Batu Caves.

Want to join the woodworking course for FREE?
Contest details ->

Update 7/11/2015

Greetings from FRIM!

Y.Bhg. Dato’/Prof./Dr./Tuan/Puan,

With great pleasure we like to inform you that FRIM are organizing two-days course on “FURNITURE MAKING FOR BEGINNERS”.

The training will be conducted as below:
Date : 21st November 2015 – 22nd November 2015
Time : 8.30am – 5.00pm
Location : Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Selangor.
Project : Small side table
Participant : 12 persons ONLY
Fee : RM 424.00/participant inclusive of 6% GST. (Fees include course materials, refreshments and certificate of attendance.

Kindly refer the brochure via link below and interested participants should register before 13th November 2015.

For registration and payment, kindly contact Cawangan Latihan FRIM: 

Pn. Siti Salihah (Tel: 03-6279 7526 |

Pn. Nor Izwarina (03-6279 7528 |

Fax: : 03-6280 4617

Update 20/10/2015

Tentatively the course will be scheduled on 21-22 November 2015 (Saturday-Sunday).

Update 14/9/2015

After the successful of the first batch of basic woodworking course, FRIM will be organizing a second batch of the same course held previously on 5th-6th September 2015.

First batch of Furniture Making For Beginners course (5th-6thSeptember 2015)

The training will be conducted as below:
Short Course : Furniture Making For Beginners by FRIM
Date : November 2015. Exact date to be confirmed later.
Duration : 2 days during the weekend.
Time : 8.30am – 5.00pm
Location : Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Selangor.
Project : Small side table
Participant : 15 persons ONLY
Fee : RM 424.00/participant inclusive of 6% GST. (Fees include course materials, refreshments and certificate of attendance.)



The short course is designed to teach beginners the basic skills and knowledge necessary for carpentry works including knowledge of woods and uses, calculations of materials and costs, basic wood joineries, and wood lamination. A major emphasis will be placed on shop safety, proper hand and power tool usage, wood processes as well as preparation of bill of materials. This course also provide participants with a practical skills needed to work on the assigned projects with guidance and close supervision.

Students acquire woodworking knowledge and skills through lecture, demonstrations, and practices. Participants will produce simple furniture as an output of the training.

The following items will be provided during the course:
Wood materials, fastening, fitting and finishing materials for the assigned projects
PPE: glove, face mask, and safety glasses or goggles.

may bring their own hand tools/power tools to the class.
need to be able to work both independently and as part of a team.
are responsible for shop clean up.
are responsible for personal protective equipment which must be worn at all times while using machines.


Introduction to wood: wood types, classification, measurement, solid wood and panel processing.
Introduction woodworking tools, abrasives, adhesives, fasteners, finishes.
Project costing and preparation of bill of materials and cost
Demonstration on machinery used for solid wood: planner, thicknesser, cross cut saw and ripping saw.
Safe and efficient use of power tool: planner, router, sander, jig saw, cross-cut saw
Basic joinery and assembly techniques
Wood finishing: brushing technique

Please complete form below if you interested to know on the exact date and finalized details of the basic woodworking course. If you have submitted your details previously for the first batch, kindly resubmit to receive the second batch course update.